What's your best player survival tip? Help us with the new website!

  1. If you’re confident enough you should start off with 1 footman, but if you want to play it safe upgrade two Hearthlings to footmen.

  2. Try to settle near bushes for it takes a good 1.5 days to get your food sources pumping (Trapper,Farmer).

  3. Create three parties the first party is for your soldiers, and the second and third parties are for your specialized workers and regular workers. When you are raided or attacked (pause or play as you like) move your first party to battle the enemy while the second and third parties stay away (to move a party click the sword icon then the flag, and next to each party their should be a defense and attack flag)

  4. Don’t wait to long to start upgrading your Hearthlings to soldiers because enemies scale with your networth, and they scale faster then you expect it.

  5. Don’t be afraid to upgrade your Hearthlings to other classes but keep making sure your ratio specialized workers to workers is fairly decent.

  6. Additional information for tip #5 if your weaver,carpenter,blacksmith, etc do not have any order to construct anything they will automatically help the workers with any task you have assigned.

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Build a Storage, at least 24x24 or 12x12 (To take less time), make sure you add all kind of items, the doors must be armored doors (If put normal, thief’s can rob easily) put one behind each other so one to enter and 2nd for security. Your items will be safe, and Goblins/Thief’s wont steal anything. Requirements: 2x Armored Doors, Wood/Stone, Windows (If wanted decorated).

Not particulary true for every kind of task. It depends on what kind of tasks the workers are working on. Specialists will work on task in connection with their specialisation (carpenter will help building wooden houses, blacksmith/mason with mining/stone constructing).

It’s why I recommend to make a weaver only after having a good number of workers, his crafts are not that usefull for the moment. Except of course for the worker outfit but you can buy it at the beginning or playing without, and maybe the leather vest (5 def, same as the bronze one) which could easily be replace by blackmisth armor. The others crafts are total decoration.

Also wool is useless at that time, I think sheperd is a waste of time/labour. What do you think about that ?

Build a safe room, and create a party, add all Hearthlings except the footmans, click on the shield, once selected, place the banner shield in the safe room.

Now your hearthling will be safe from the attacks. Make sure you press Town Defense Mode , so they run inside the building.

Yeah near the same idea as i got first :smiley: the Problem i had last time… goblins spawned in a Corner of my storage which was newly build and not used or lightend :smiley:

Make sure you place your town banner near your stockpiles. The radius of “bad guy generation” is based on the flag location.


If you’ve mined a lot and your workers are not retrieving the minerals/stone, pause the game, use the loot tool on all the resources you’ve mined, make a group of all your workers and tell them to go to/attack the area, unpause, wait for them to get there and then click on the X next to the group (return to normality) they will now pick up the resources :smile:

PS: If once on the stockpiles some resources still have the loot sign simply use the undo order button on them :smile:

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Actually, most of this is going to change in the next Alpha–the settlers will automatically collect more than one item into a personal inventory (since people were just using the Loot command, as you mentioned; it was a little pointless to harvest normally).


Very true, saw that in another thread, but figured I’d post it so the little trick can be used meanwhile :smile:

I like to dig into a mountain and place all of my stockpiles inside then put stone fence gates so goblins can’t get in.

Make a Attack / Battle group with ALL your Hearthlings. Then set a defence flag right on your main stock pile, it will defend your stuff and keep your people together during the onslaught

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I’ve played several campaigns of my own and watched a few Let’s Plays. From what I can see, the biggest challenge facing towns as they start is raising Net Worth enough to attain new Hearthlings. To solve this, I wanted to come up with an easy and efficient way to make gold, as it most directly influences the Net Worth of your town.
Do do this, I took the most common and least valuable resource and crafted it into items that were worth several times that cost. My favorite, though there might be room for improvement, was to craft wood into shields and sell them to merchants and traders each day. In addition to generating a lot of gold for your town, you’ll also be putting your carpenter on the fast track for level 6 mastery.

Hope it helps,


First steps of almost every game I’ve played:

  1. Select a location near a mountain with lots of trees around.
  2. Start by assigning the role of carpenter to the hearthling with the highest Mind. I think this improves their crafting ability.
  3. Harvest around a dozen nearby trees to clear an area for your town.
  4. Build 1 farming tool and around 10 mean beds (sell the extras or keep them new recruits).
  5. I’ve managed with just 1 militia until the wolves so far, so just get 1 for now.
  6. Build your town up, starting with a big place for all the beds :smiley:

I suppose for a tip I would say, craft more wooden things than you need and sell the extras to the merchant. With the gold buy a leather vest for your militia and give them a wooden shield and stone maul as soon as you can. They’ll be tough enough to handle almost anything until the wolves arrive.

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mind is best for crafters, as it improves the chance of getting the “fine” items.

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I’d go along with that, but ever since the latest update or so, I’ve been having trouble getting enough not fine items.

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Here’s my best (game breaking) survival tip for starters. Always get a trapper’s knife, then promote a hearthling as soon as the knife gets dropped in the blue zone. Once you have a trapper, enclose your area with a trapper’s zone as far out as possible so that Goblins won’t be able to spawn near you; that is because Goblin Camps can’t spawn on top of the red trapper’s zones (if i’m not mistaken). I’m in day 8 with high net worth and I have yet to see a goblin.

That’s mad. So you are able to build, place farms and everything inside the trapper zone?

Nope, but you can easily unzone the trapper’s zone when you need the space. :smiley:



Don’t die


whoa… i feel like the entirety of life has changed because of this deep thought…