To begin, I haven’t played Stonehearth in approximately 6-8 months. I wanted to wait until significant progress had been made, so as not to exhaust myself, replaying it in its limited state. Let me re-state once more that i love this game! Last time I posted in gameplay I offered a mini-guide for people having difficulty starting out, and while I considered another guide, ultimately I decided my fellow “hearthlovers” would rather not endure another step by step outline .
Race: The Ascendancy
Biome: Temperate
Difficulty: Normal
Seed: 381856796
Starting point: Northern Peninsula in SE lake (terraformed it into an island)
Population: 39 Hearthlings
Tips and Tricks that I found very helpful:
Don’t worry about getting a hearthling on the first update, instead use day 1 (and 2 if necessary) not only exploring but moving berry bushes, and various flowers next to your initial encampment. This enables you to not only explore a fair amount of the map but also provides an excellent and easy source of goods, at least until your farmer gets that first batch of turnips & carrots going.
Don’t underestimate the power of the peninsula, being surrounded on three sides by water and then creating a moat on the side that connects to land will keep the bad dudes out very effectively! For those uncertain as to how, (well as of right now hearthlings can breathe underwater) I created steps (rather than use a ladder) leading into the moat from the inside and they dug it out.
When you see the Daily Update pop up, SAVE. This way when you receive a new hearthling but he/she doesn’t have the stats you want or need, simply re-load that save until you find one suitable to your needs.
Keep a constant stream of revenue. You should have plenty of trees to start with and getting your carpenter to max lvl generally happens organically. Always maintain a constant work order for 20 - 100 table for one, depending on your log supply. Once I make my second farmer, i create a single 11x11 plot for saplings (trees). Plant them in open areas you’ve already chopped down leaving a few spaces between trees and let them grow all the way to 100yr old oaks, then chop em down and re-plant. I had 1000’s of logs, and yes sometimes the entlings get angry but your army should be able to handle them no problem. The important thing is to keep your revenue flowing by constantly selling those tables and fine tables.
Mining, sometimes the ore you need is either far up or far away (often times both) from your encampment. When you go after some of that ore, make sure all other worker tasks are complete and when you’re done remove the lowest level ladder to avoid mountain mob spawns from raiding you until you are ready.
Once you have over 30 hearthlings, the game has significant difficulty processing. However, if you insist on trying for more - like me - then save and load often. I found that loading up helps things run more smoothly for a little while, and if it crashes on load just start up the game again and it should load just fine.
Combat can be VERY frustrating when fighting large groups or multiple groups. It drove me NUTS when multiple knight(s) ran off in various directions chasing fleeing mobs; and pausing and ordering them back to the primary fight is extremely tedious. In order to deal with this difficulty (and before summoning the goblin campaigns) I manually built combat pens. In other words, I’d erect stone/wood walls around an alcove with an opening or funnel. I’d then have my troops wait inside in defense mode and send a knight to kite the mobs allllll the way back into the pen. Another effective strategy is to build a walled pathway way leading into a pen from the bottom of a ladder, this forces the mobs to go wherever u want them to. Also keep some tonics outside on the ground next to your combat areas for easy access. PS: I found that dividing knights, clerics, & archers into separate combat parties unnecessary.
I hope everyone is enjoying the game as much as I am, and I CANNOT WAIT FOR COMPLETION and multiplayer! But mainly completion, alright I don’t want to be tooooo obnoxious . If anyone has any questions or wants more info on my setup or playthrough feel free to holler at me!
PS: what’s the community calling itself these days? Hearthlovers, Hearthies, Hearthstonies (ugh that one might not be the best choice)…