If anybody wants stuff clearly you need to swamp Duncan’s inbox with messages, he got it all! XD
…in an unrelated note it’s probably far too late to throw my name into the ring for swag too T_T
I’m thinking the same. I was going to purposely delay my entry because I didn’t need it that much, so I would not be taking it from someone else that want it more than me, but seeing how many stuff a single person got, I regret delaying it (and I actually forget to entry later… lol)
I know! I fucking squealed when I opened it xD
(Like… really… my family went to check up on what that noise was)
Oh my goodness! The poyo badge is so fucking cute!!! I’m getting so jelly
Seeing these printed out gave me a mad idea of making concept art style graphics for the game. Just print some original concept art, draw over it and scan the result.
I received my Swag also, thanks very much Radiant!
Aw. I missed it. Any chance of a store or something opening?
It arrived! Thanks Team Stonehearth! My kids have a billion questions about all the things.
Posters are going up in the office above my computer
(Ninja turtle sword was not included )
I got a package today. I was not expecting a package today.
I cried a little; I’ve been having a shiet week and this just really blew me away. Thank you so very much <3
Mine is stuck in brazillian postal customs since March 26th … I’m getting worried
if I get a lot of things too I can send some your way
i did, got a bunch of stickers and a lanyard, was pretty awesome to get