1.I think the team wants to avoid too much management, but I would like a way to at least prioritize a specific task.
2.Every time a fine object is crafted, it’s as a bonus item, and the regular version is still made. Hearthlings will use regular furniture that’s still in stock. Perhaps something else is causing your building to not be built? There’s a thread where you can report buildings that won’t build.
3.Yeah, I’d like for the description of a bed to change once it’s assigned, just to save the click into the assignment menu to check. There’s a couple of suggestions for that on the Discourse.
4.The team’s definitely been thinking about adding a way to place dirt and grass, but I don’t know if that will ever make it in.
5.Yeah, I’d really like a story view myself. The slice view used to work for this once, but it hasn’t done that for some time.
6.They’re planning on overhauling the building editor again eventually.
7.You can always search the Discourse for more information on this sort of thing. There will be a proper tutorial eventually, but I think they’re holding back on that until they’ve got more of the design set in stone.