Upload of bugged save

There’s two bugs viewable in the uploaded save, plus another bug I noticed earlier in the game (but found a workaround, though it is easily replicated).

First one, my Mason is going spastic and I can’t figure out why. She runs up to the Mason Workbench, then gets “stuck”, switching between trying to craft and another task (getting food, resting by fire). I’ve tried removing all crafting tasks, doesn’t change. I’ve teleported her and she runs back to the same spot. I’ve moved the Mason Workbench and she just runs to the new spot. Undeploying the Mason Workbench, or turning off her Job task, seems to be the only way to get her to stop.

Second and this has been an ongoing issue for pretty much the whole game, my hearthlings refuse to undeploy items attached to the wall, specifically Wall Clay Lamps and Signs. They’ll build ladders to reach the item (it’s deployed 3rd block up, out of rooms 4 high), but then ignore it.

Last bug I’ve found, is that hearthlings will happily mine blocks that have items attached. The item will then be floating in midair. The only workaround is teleport the item to a nearby wall, which places it on the floor, at which point the hearthlings will happily undeploy it,


Version Number and Mods in use:
Release 860, x64


  • Debug Tools
  • Better Storage
  • Miner Profession
  • Primitive Armory

System Information:
Windows 10

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Spastic crafters should be fixed in the next (unstable) release. The other two, I’ll take a loot at. Thanks for the report and save!