Hi short question:
Is it useful to get the new version of Qubicle Constructor?
I have version 1.6 Home Edition and I ask myself if it is worth it to upgrade to the next version.
So are here some people who can tell me if the new version have good improvements in terms of usability etc.
Maybe there was a thread like this and I missed it, if so just link me to the thread
I havent upgraded yet. But I have messed around with the trial version and I loved it. I fully plan on upgrading to Q2.5 ASAP. It’s much smoother and simpler to work in the Q1 once you get used to it
I have Qubicle 2 home it and there seems to be problems with viewing models from Stonehearth in it. The models seem to wrap around if that makes sense. There’s a slice 2 pixels deep that is moved from the front to the back(when viewing from the standard isometric view). I don’t know how to correct for it. Maybe I have to import from 1.0 or something. Haven’t looked that deeply.