I had a small question, does anyone know when we will be able to build defences to hold of goblin raids?
Lately i have tried the new alpha 10 build and when the goblins spawned, they send a raiding party (cuz i didn’t want to pay them ).
As the game progressed and i fended off multiple raids i began on building a wall. But this was more for the view then actual use. So i was wondering if there ever was any mentions of gates or drawbridges to keep that filth out? I am sure it will be added to the game but i dont know when and how.
And for discussion, when do you think it would be appropriate to have acces to these defences.
You can already build walls that will stop goblins. Either the free standing wall or a simple cobblestone wall or wooden fence will stop the goblins as long as they can’t find a way around.
There are also traps already. Once you get a Trapper up to level 5 or 6 (I can’t remember which), you can lay traps out for enemies to get caught in.
fyi, an easy defence right now is a simple trench. If you mine out a strip going from cliff to cliff, they can’t cross it, and you can build ladders or a bridge to cross it when you can put up a fight
I’ve actually been thinking about making a gobbo trap where I wall myself off from the outside except leaving a funnel into a single, small stockpile where I can put throwaway items. Then I can just mow them down whenever. This will work really well once we get ranged units.