Dear Team Radiant
Thank you for all you have done!
Thank you for sharing your journey with us!
Thank you for your honesty!
Thank you for inspiration!
Thank you for creating a platform where we can unleash creativity into the world!
And Thank you for stacking up firewood next to this (Discourse) hearth, so we all had the oportunities to get to know eachother across this wast ball of dirt and wapor, that we all share!
My time here is comming to an end, but what a journey it has been! I have completed the game many times, with many aproaches and my steamaccount tells me that i have spent 1487 hours playing Stonehearth… That is what i see as an investment that cant go wrong and would with the knowledge i have today of the endresult, do it again with no hesitation
I have (besides the time of entertainment playing the game) learned so much about making games, coding, design, art, social interaction and insights into the normally closed gameindustry.
The visions about SH might not have come to the perfect result, but on the other hand, you have managed to create something else, than just another game for people to play.
You have showed that by being open towards the player/customer and involving us in your process, there is new ways to create games that strech far beyond sales numbers and economy!
At times i have defended you, other times i have been shaking my fist at you.
In the end i will miss you all and always think back at the members of team Radiant with no exeptions as my friends and great individuals
I wish you well on your travels and remember that when the sun sets behind the mountain, dreams will take form and the dawn will give oportunities to chase them.
May the wind guide you and bless your hunt.
Yours truly
Kristian Frost Nielsen.