Heyho, since the new block-mining-tool i get sometimes the input that its hard to see and set the correct hights, because the terrain vision tool just shows every 4th lvl.
so i wanted to know if you want a change of this to 1 or 2 lvl move - so that you can see layer for layer.
here is a quick testmod with 1 lvl change - its only for testing and nothing for long terms because its uses an override - Dropbox - terrain_layer.smod
if you dont want a change just write it
@jomaxro thx xD
i usually try to make more natural caves so this would be great
edit: so you needed just one vote to make it
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so intermediate result after 1 day: 7 votes for change at 1lvl but only 2 who has tested it ^^
so everyone please test it before and see if you really like it
@Wiese2007 i just have 1 problem and it’s that the mining tool is a “one box” only
it looks like the same constant was used by the mining tool and the terrain slicer
it’s easier to make great halls underground with domes and other complex caves as i don’t really like them to be just squares
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if you mean the normal minetool with 4x4 then yes ^^ like i have said - its just a quick mod to test and make your decision.
and to show the devs that this is wanted
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ok looks like there isnt much response anymore - with only 8 votes in 3 days i think this will not happening. only as a mod with lua changes.
This is neat. We should probably add an option to do 1 level slicing to the main game, in addition to the regular 5-level slicing.