So first of all I’m loving this game and looking at the roadmap great things are happening with this game. But I’d like to just put forward a few things that maybe people would find interesting (I’m sure someone has mentioned a few of these) First of all we need to fix bugs so, Hearthlings being idle and not doing their job for some reason, game starts to lag very quickly at maybe day 15 when you start to get a few buildings etc. Monsters just sitting around and chilling choosing to have a smoke rather than come raid all the shiny stuff.
Now for suggestions
Game difficulty/Combat
I think that the game needs to be harder, or at least more interesting. Played on normal and managed to more or less obliterate all enemies with one guy. So I’m talking have enemy camps more often or more interesting and dynamic raiding parties. Spice up the combat! In terms of classes I’m ok with where it’s going, it would be nice to have a reason to have a party of two footmen, a ranged class and some form of support unit (mage, medic, bomber etc.)
Trading Caravans
Don’t tell me that caravan has arrived. SHOW me that a caravan has arrived. It would be so much more engaging if I could see a caravan strolling past. Make the game feel more alive because so far the only thing that’s alive is my Hearthlings and that one squirrel that’s chilling around
This is more to do with immersion similar to the point above. Make the world feel alive. Have random NPC’s in the game that can be interacted with for good and for worse
Random Events
I like how at the start of the day the game will tell you if you’ve got enough pizzazz to get another settler and that a caravan or trader has shown up. It would be great if you could choose from several settlers rather than just one random guy. But then again I don’t really mind as it is. My one gripe is the caravans and traders in the mornings though. Sometimes they’re completely useless to me at the time or give me some terrible offer that I wouldn’t take no matter the circumstances because it was just that bad a deal. It would be nice to have someone give you a task (a good one) and a random trader each day rather than half the mornings being wasted unproductively because the trader didn’t have your dank weed this time.
More classes/skills
Will there be more classes? Yes there will but what I do think needs to happen is the worker class needs to have specializations. So you could have a whole skill tree for the worker, they can all build, mine, haul etc. but have a skill tree that allows each worker to do one thing better, rather than all of them being Jacks of all Trades. What would also be nice is skill trees for all the classes. Want a tanky footman or a glass cannon footman? Carpenter that works faster or produces higher quality goods? A cook that can make recipes from other factions or can make food last for weeks? Stuff like that. Oh and Jesus a medic or doctor of some sort would be so damn interesting.(This has mostly been answered by the introduction of the Herbalist) Maybe removing the pretty fast health regen and making it really slow but having a doctor could solve that problem. Also being able to craft bandages or medicine (for a sickness mechanic? Had too much gourd curry and now I got the shits type deal) It would be really nice to have classes that can craft consumables for raiding parties to improve their effectiveness. It would also be great when the maps eventually get larger to have some sort of Scout or Explorer class. So they could explore the map and mark points of interest but it all depends on how dynamic the maps get.
More customization
This is mostly covered by the above topic but it would be great if you could create your own uniforms and clothing for your little Hearthlings. I find it quite annoying that alot of my Rayyas Hearthlings have these huge sideburns which disturb me deeply.
Action Queuing
Please dear god please. If it’s a bug then fix it. If it isn’t it really makes the game frustrating. Time and time again I find workers sitting around or not doing something that I told them to do. You finished your mining now go pick the bloody rocks up! It would solve a lot of problems if you could just set them to mine this first, then go harvest those trees, pick up the wood, then go back and grab the rocks from the mining.
Races and Factions
So obviously they are going to add more factions but I think what is the most important is that the factions function completely differently. The Ascendancy and Rayyas are quite different, the first using wood mostly and the latter using clay. With both races getting each others basic crafter and resources later on into the profession tree. Do more of this. Make the beginning of each faction completely unique and then they can start building other factions resources etc. What I would love to see is a faction that uses reeds or fiber to make their buildings, so grass huts or tatami something like that. Or cave people. That’s cool too. A faction that uses animal hide and bone to build huts that kind of stuff. Races would be cool too. So you could possible have two different types of Ascendancy, aesthetically looking different while also having slight variations to possibly stats or bonuses.