Hey @Albert - since we’re on the subject, I think this save might be useful for performance optimizations, as well:
@JGRIT - In Steam, Right-click on the game’s title in the left-side navigation menu, and select Properties, then click on the Local Files tab, and finally click the Browse Local Files button. In the directory that appears, open the save_games directory, and you should see a list of folders here. These are your individual saves. Find the date/time of the save, zip it up and upload it to the Discourse.
Pro tip: Inside each save’s folder there’s a preview image. This image is what appears in the game’s load screen, so you should be able to match the image to the save if you’re having trouble finding the right one.
Note: if you’re new to the Discourse, one of the mods will have to enable your ability to upload. Also note: file uploads are limited to 10mb. You’ll need to use something like 7zip to get better compression, or upload your file to dropbox, box, google drive, etc instead, if it is larger than 10mb.