Stonehearth RAM usage

Hello fellow gamers,

I just started to really get into Stonehearth, which is easily one of my most fav. games I have.
Now to the problem that kinda makes me sad. I have a 64Bit version of Windows Pro, 12GB of RAM,
a Ryzen 1600x and a gtx1060. After I hit like 12 hearthlings, my “lua” starts raising making my game lagg
terribly. Well here is the deal: Looking into the Taskmanager, the game is like restricted at 2,4GB Ram.
I already set the priority to “realtime” and checked that I play in the 64Bit version of the game.
Do you know what’s going on or how to allocate more RAM to stoneheart? Out of my 12GB stonehearth
only uses 2,4 which hardly makes the overall RAM usage of my PC spike to 40%.



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Welcome to the forum, @Mantarochen :slightly_smiling_face:

With your computer specs it shouldn’t lag so bad with only 12 hearthlings. Some questions:

  1. Are you playing singleplayer or multiplayer?
  2. Did you install any mods?
  3. Does the lag go away after save/loading?
  4. If it doesn’t, does it go away if you enable the 32bit version in the System tab of the game settings?

In any case, could you please upload the savefile that was laggy so that devs can take a look at it? I’ve bumped your user level so you should be able to upload files. Instructions:

  1. Find the save folder for the saves you wish to upload. By default, they are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth\saved_games (assuming a default Steam install).
  2. Zip the folder.
  3. Right click the folder (should be a long set of numbers).
  4. Left click on Send to in the menu that appears.
  5. Left click on `Compressed (Zipped) folder).
  6. (Optional) Rename the folder to something different than the default set of numbers.
  7. Upload the save.
  8. If the zip is less than 10 MB, you can upload it directly. Either use the upload button or drag and drop it into the compose window,
  9. If larger than 10 MB, upload it to a cloud storage site like Dropbox, Google Drive, File Dropper, etc. and post the sharing link here.
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I’ll do that as soon as possible thx for your quick support :blush:

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Hey Relyss,
here are the information you requested

  1. This world is a singleplayer only world, just to chill a bit.
  2. No, I didn’t installed any mods yet, wanted to play the game Vanilla for the start : ).
  3. Yes, the game is stable for like 30 seconds after reloading but then lags worse then before!
  4. No, actually the 32bit version made it slightly worse, but it was manageable.



Edit: just noticed that I got 4 more Hearthlings then I stated!

1538489298794.rar (5.3 MB)

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Thanks for the savefile!

I was going to suggest lowering the graphic settings and using V-sync, but I managed to reproduce the lag in your savefile.

Could you right-click on Stonehearth in your Steam library, click on Properties, click on the Betas tab, and choose ‘latest’ from the dropdown? It doesn’t need a password, and it should start to be downloaded automatically.

We recently made some improvements to performance that are in this unstable branch. I think you might notice the difference for this savefile. Ogo’s army (and other enemies) seem to spawn on the hills in your savefile, which might be contributing to the lag.

If you still have lag in this beta branch of the game, try reducing the graphic settings and playing at a lower speed.

Let us know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for checking that,

I don’t want to play the game without any hostiles, but I haven’t spotted Ogo’s army on the
“medium” difficulty so far. If this is the problem, I’ll just start over with a “medium” game.
But before I do that, I’ll change my client to the experimental version. Thanks for your help.


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In your savefile, it spawns after a day or so. But they can’t reach your town, so you don’t get a notification because they’re far from the hearthlings.

You can keep playing your savefile in the experimental version.

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Just looked at them and now I am rlly glad they can’t reach my town xO
I guess I can try to play the game even with the lags, gear up and just send a fighting squad to them.


Edit: I am on the “beta” build now.

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You shouldn’t have those hitches/freezes in the latest build. :thinking:

Did you try lowering the graphic settings too? The calculations for the shadows can eat resources.

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My edit was a bit missleading… Just downloaded it.
Haven’t started it yet :smile:
Looked at them in the old version.

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I have to say: Whatever happened in this new version of the game, it not only fixed the RAM problem, I now have more FPS in the mid-game with 16 Hearthlings then I usually had at the start of the game. Great Job! Now the game finally uses 4,9 GB of my RAM, giving me a 27% lua completly killing all lags.

Thanks for the amazing support.



I did sendt a mail to my self after have been talking with Banto yesterday, but didden’t get an answer back yet :slight_smile:

my game eat most of my ram and I have min. 8 Ram on what I play on right now, but we all so have problems on 16 ram.

sendt mail under here …

Vicevaerten - bug report … please we really need help with the STONEHEARTs chop and freeze. (it does fill up your ram quiet good and it just keeps rising which might be some memory leaks from the game still.)

Hi TEAM and thank your all for a great game !!

I love the endless possibilities Stoneheart offers, but now I worry that you will stop working on

it and I have a question before you do?

Are you aware of the following problem that destroys the game for many, my son and I think …?

It is as the many tasks that the little Stonehearts perform are remembered by the game memory

core or the computer and after approx. 1 hour, the memory fills up so the game starts to chop and


Once I’ve save and closed the game all the way down and restart the game, it run without any problems

again for an hour again.

There must be something in the core of the game that remembers the tasks they have performed and

which is not deleted afterwards and eventually the game breaks more and more until it is restarted

and it causes my son not to play any more.

We use 3 good computers in the house and here are some setup

My son uses a desktop PC

Intel i7-4770

16GB Ram

Nvidia GTX 1070

I myself use one

MSI Intel i7-7700HQ


8GB Ram


Nvidia GTX 1050

and I also have one …

Alienware 15 R3



16GB Ram

Nvidia GTX 1070

All 3 pc have the same problems with only STONEHEART !!!

Hope to find out if it is something you expect to get settled before releasing the game or if you can

tell us what we are doing wrong.

Really hope to hear feedback from you

Thanks in advance :wink:

I wrote to the youtuber BANTO to hear if it was only me there had problems and you can see under

here our kommunikation …


I like to see you play and I love to play the game myself, but I have a serious problem and it doesn’t

matter with of the 3 pc we use at home.

It is as the many tasks that the little Stonehearts perform are remembered by the game memory core

or the computer and after approx. 1 hour, the memory fills up so the game starts to chop and freeze.

Once I’ve save and closed the game all the way down and restart the game, it run without any problems

again for an hour.

have you any idea why ? and do you know something about computers, that we don’t :wink:

I even have an

Alienware 15 R3



16GB Ram

Nvidia GTX 1070

My family will be so happy, if any one can help us to fix this problem … Thanks again for the nice building

(I play single player and yes I use mods but my son just tryed to uninstall everything and only play normal with out mods and I use to do that my self)

inspiration BANTO.

Hello there sad to hear your having a lot of performance issues with the game.

Something that can help would be to shut down a few other apps that run along with the game if there

is any to reduce the amount of memory as a starter but also this game just like you said it does fill up your

ram quiet good and it just keeps rising which might be some memory leaks from the game still.

Yesterday when i did another livestream i noted that my total ram usage was over 12GB which is kinda

insane in itself even tho i have 32 it felt like it was using too much and restarting usually helps.

If possible i would write an bug report or a feedback on their official forum where they might be able to

help resolve the memory usage

Team Radiant the team behind Stonehearth will most likely be very happy to receive some more help over


Also is this only when singel player or is it in both singel player and multiplayer?

Your PC should do just fine with those specs with this type of game.

Thanks for reaching out to me and thanks for your kind words i hope that Radiant might be able to improve

on this at 1.1 release of Stonehearth

Have a Great Day! :)?

Thanks very much for your help and I will write to Team Radiant, I think they should let the heartlings forget

everything when they go to bed and read again there jobs what they have to do after weaking up and in that

way maybe they chould emty the ram along we are playing (I don’t know, just an idear

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@Time_s, pretty sure we sent a response to your mail.
But thanks for posting here too.

Were you playing the stable or the unstable version?
Does playing in the unstable version fix the chops/freezes? They might / might not be related to memory, actually. Sometimes it’s only the server side that freezes (but you can still move the camera or click the UI).