Storage "Templates"


I’ve found myself getting more and more into sorting my storages to increase efficiency, one thing I’d love to see is a way to have presets in terms of the chests. You would click 1 button, and it would select / deselect the items from the template you have made.

Not expecting this as a priority by the developers, but if someone with a bit of modding experience could take the job.

  • A bonus would be having it compatible with the BetterStorage mod!

I mostly agree!

In a way, the “categories” should already be some sort of presets/templates but they are too broad to be actually useful.

Maybe a dropdown menu next to “All” and “None” for the saved and named presets would be great!

As for compatibility, the way filters work, it could be done and be compatible with any categories and filters from any mod, really :slight_smile:


That sounds pretty straightforward to make, at least from the application perspective. Saving is a little trickier because it involves player text input which always has edge cases.

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I agree! As long as it’s not much of a hassle to get to work with other mods then that’s great!

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