For some reason… my stonehearth is STILL on ALPHA 10. I have got the direct download and apparently the game is on alpha 15. PLEASE HELP! I dont know if my game is messed up OR if i need to click something to update…
Hello mate ! Are you using Steam or Humble Bundle ?
Humble Bundle. I downloaded from the site @OlderThanBefore
Huum, sorry i’m not gonna be helpfull with humble bundle !
but you can do this : "The best is you get your SteamKey from Humble Bundle and active it via Steam … there is an autoupdate and you can activate the "unstable"modus "
@OlderThanBefore Great! ive got steam… but how do i get the code
I think you can try this
ok thank you!!! @OlderThanBefore :DDDDD
My pleasure mate
With all the new features, it would be sad to not play from the last version
Also just for clarification on why it’s still on Alpha 10: The Humble Bundle version doesn’t update automatically. You have to redownload the game after each update.
OKAY thx everyone this can be ignored
Hey @PixelMaster12, glad everything is working for you know.
Thanks @OlderThanBefore, @SachielMF for your help!
Sorry jomaxro… we are stealing your job over here haha
Well, considering that it is morning where you are, and I really should be sleeping here in the US, I appreciate the help!
Also, everyone should be able to help each other. Just because I have a little shield next to my name doesn’t mean my help is any better than everyone else’s.
That is true Count on me to “steal” your job whenever i can so haha