Stonehearth: Almost 3 years in development

Hi guys. I’ve been lurking the community for about a year and I have to say that I have seen very solid progress on the game over that time.

Having said that, I think you all might be missing the point of the OP. I think he’s expressing a wish for a new profession. Specifically a Brewer. Barley is one of the main ingredients in beer as I’m sure you’re all aware. :wink:


you are now my new favorite lurker… richly deserved my friend… :smile: :+1:


I am honored, sir! :blush:

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:hand: High five @Miturion


:hand: :boom: :wink:

oh, i approve of the “hours logged” entries… i so approve… :smile_cat:


Radiant would be swimming in lawsuits unfortunately. XD

Could be… Although, it is very unclear.

Look at his profile. “Three years and nothing.”

Maybe this guy should clarify, because if he was saying what we all think he was, then he is quite rude indeed. Radiant has put hundreds of hours into making this great game, and seeing something like this, insulting a game that he chose to buy in BETA is just ignorant and it makes me sad. I mean really, it disappoints me. I hope he can enjoy the game as much as we all do, and if he doesn’t like it now, then don’t play it until its fully released. If your gonna give feedback, make it constructive people.

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But seriously, hops fields and vineyards, and distilleries would be awesome. Along with other produce processing jobs of the agrarian variety.

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This in itself opens up some interesting twists to the game. I mean Villager Olga spent to much time at the local watering hole. When she gets up to build your planned building she is still to drunk to think straight and starts building something totally random and not what you planned. HEH… I think that would be at least funny the first time it happened


Just think about his parents ‘work’. (propably) 1X years and STILL nothing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Barely an hour… Interesting: :hand: :question:

Well, Epyk the Clockbrag is surprisingly good name for a goblin. And unless the name is patented (like my wrestling ringname), there won’t be any lawsuits for using usernames XD

And personally - I wonder if my projects will have that fast progress like SH. But my Engineers work [wrestling-oriented browser RPG game] looks promising still. Almost all bugs have been squished hours ago and now only translation system remains to be made and start the ‘open pre-alpha phase’. XD


Let me know when its out! I’d love to try it! @phoriist

As I said, I am struggling with the translation system. just problem with zend_translate. I have prepared PL and EN files, but the system doesn’t see them D:
What you can do there already? Well:

  • create an account
  • create a wrestler. See the profile of your wrestler, make him retire to create a new one
  • use (very simple though) chat.

I want to start the ‘tester phase’ ASAP. Also, this is my enigneers work - my Engineer degree depends of it. xD That’s why I am hyped.


I think this thread has outlived it’s usefulness … it doesn’t appear as though @Epyk intends to respond in kind…