Hey ho,
I worked for a while at the Container mod. Every time you add a new Object, you have to
create tons of folders, and have to change the manifest, create the recepts …
thats a boring work, and so i thought, why should i do that, if i have a computer!
This is the first version of my script. Its a Java class, which you could easly edit with your
text editor e.g.
Spiros_mod_generator_script.zip (2.2 KB)
important for you is this:
String modname = "Spiros_test_mod"; String name = "weaver_clay_shelf"; int volumen = 32; String crafter = "carpenter"; String typ = "containers";
here you could add your modname, name of the new object, which one it should craft, and which typ it should be.
At the moment only containers and decoration works (btw you could make a container or a decoration object, the foldername changes if you dont use “decoration” as name. and for a container the amount of storage places.
at so far:
(for modders)
it Create all your needed folders, the recipe for the object, the recipes.json for the crafter which contains your recipe, the objects .json files and the manifest, contains the object or expand a mod with your new object,( also manifest and recipes)
(for people which want a selfmade object in the game)
It creates you a working mod. (except the named problem down here)
you only have to add your object(.qb, iconic.qb .png ) in the right folder.
at the moment:
you have to add under mixintons the crafter you use,
you have to add the ingame discriptons
you have to add the costs of your object, at the moment all costs 2 cloth and 4 wood.
maybe there are a few more bugs…
everyone allowed to expand the script, i also will add new stuff.
have fun to use it