2 years ago I made a spider model and tried to animate it with blender, but since real life took me alot of time, I hadn’t the time to finish the animation. Now I thought to myself: I created the model, so maybe someone out there is willing to do the animation. As long as I get the credit for creating the model, I would love to find someone who pumps live into this model. In the video below you can also see the animation I started 2 years ago (though I dont know why the colors look so crappy in the video, sorry about that).
First of all, honestly that model isn’t really StoneHearth Style unless you mean by ‘Giant’ you mean like… The size of a huge Tree in height (in that case it’s perfect)
Otherwise, she looks absolutely amazing!
I’d love to animate her; but sadly enough i just got some influenza(at-least it seems like it) so i’m not really in the most capable state for anything (to be fair even if i didn’t i would’ve took a long time since i have things to do)
I do have a Spider i made myself(animated and all) so i could give you some advice, but it seems like you might even be more capable than i am in this feild
Thanks for the reply. It’s the first 3D model I ever created in my life and also my first animation, so I’m happy that you think it looks good so far. I also found my latest animation I made (2 more legs animated).
If someone is willing to end the animation (or do it from ground up) I’m willing to share the needed files (model + bones).
About fitting into stonehearth: I really think it should be a huge spider. Maybe nearly as big as a small house and it should be an endgame content enemy which is super strong and needs at least 2 or 3 full equipped soldiers to be beaten.
It is a nice animation and the spider looks great but stoneearth in genral goes for a somewhat somplistic and cute style. Even if it is very upscale it doesn’t mean that it necesarily needs more voxels.
A good example is the cthulu monster shown earlu in developement: