Hi there
I’ve watched this from the sidelines for a long time and bit the bullet this past weekend and bought the game. I think you guys have done a fantastic job. I’m leaning more towards the Gnomoria/Dwarf Fortress type gameplay and thus promptly started to dig around in the game files.
I’m sure there are many others who would want things like random caves, more types of ores, building settlements into the mountain etc. and it would seem that the base game provides all that is needed.
What is not there is reasonably good documentation. I understand that you don’t want to document what you may yet change, but come’on, have a heart and give a guy or gal a hand!
I’ve tried to dig through the world gen code, the rivers mod and some of the archipelago mod but without some guidance on how everything hangs together, what order things get called in and why functions are there and done in one way and not another, it’s pretty hopeless (e.g. why 32x32 vs. 16x16 chunks vs blueprint vs ore scenarios vs underground maps, etc.
I think you see the point. I think the community would rapidly add to the depth of the game if you give us a hand. I simply wanted to create some caves and some new ores … I’m not talking about dungeons or events and I think that is something that should be fairly straight forward (not expecting I-depth hand-holding, but without some guidance on how things hang together this just seems like a waste of time to try).
Oh, and I also wonder if the map height (or rather, depth) can be changed - the slice tool seems to indicate it’s 64m. Is that hard coded or can we go deeper? If hard-coded … please change it (and while I’m on it, make the slice tool go by cube and put it on the scroll wheel … much more natural for those of us who want to dig … and fix the mining tools, PLEASE!
Thank you!