I backed the game since it hit the linux port stretch goal but now since they said they won’t finish/do the port I’m kinda lost. The same happened with other games like Kingdom Come and they refunded me the money. So is there any chance for that on stonehearth as well? I contacted them several times via kickstarter and the support mail on the website as wel but no response at all.
We do have the refund information from people who contacted us via Kickstarter or our support address and we will be sending refunds out soon. Since it turns out that Kickstarter itself doesn’t have a refund function (for older projects) we had to set up a process ourselves and we’re just completing that. (Also, for the past few weeks we’ve been very focused on completing 1.0 so haven’t had the opportunity yet to focus on anything else.) But rest assured, the refunds will be coming to those linux port backers who requested them.
Though there is some truth to your words, - you–aren’t a Linux backer are you @oldmacman? Because you tend to bitch a lot for someone who isn’t :’) sorry but it’s true