Ravenwood: An Illustrated Narrative

Hey everyone. I love this game! I got it a while ago, but only started playing recently and it’s wonderful. I wanted to give a little something back to the community and development for making an awesome game, and I’m a writer at heart, so I made this little offering for all of you!

The presentation is a little bad, I know. If I make more of these in the future I might try some more and cooler things. But here is my first story, of Ravenwood!


Oops, here is a better link for the story.

To Adventure for Real!


This is wonderful :smiley:

I love this sort of narrative <3 I’ve tried it myself in other games but never did it in Stonehearth… that’s a good idea :merry:


Very engaging story until slide 48. Not sure if that was coincidental or intentional, but that slide was a…choice.

Thanks for the attempt though. :merry:

I think I’m going to start working on a second installment where the expedition gets kidnapped by wandering desert nomad-outcasts and pressed into service helping them build an oasis.

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cool read!, kinda surprised at the huge amounts of farms, are you using the MRF mod or ace XD? (no water so slower growing with ACE, or just 3x slow growing regardless with MRF )

i can recognise the swarm tactics of CONSCRIPT EVERYONE in emergencies, lolled at it :stuck_out_tongue: .
good luck to the next expedition!