Quick Reload LUA?

On the latest Dev Stream, I noticed that Angelo and Justin were reloading scripts quickly after altering them. Does anyone know the hotkeys, or how to enable this?
( See: Stonehearth Dev Stream 278: 💀 Necromancer Mod 💀 Starring ✨Angelo✨ \u0026 👽Justin👽 or Stonehearth Dev Stream 278: 💀 Necromancer Mod 💀 Starring ✨Angelo✨ \u0026 👽Justin👽 )

Not Lua, I think they were just reloading a savefile. Probably shift+F5, which does a quick save+quick load, or F7 for quick loading what was saved with F6.

There are some debug controls listed here: Controls - Official Stonehearth Wiki

You might need to add "enable_debug_keys" : true in your user_settings.json.