[Question] EXP override potter

@GreatColtini that is exactly what I have.

can you show me the code for your manifest and for your mixinto file?

“info”: {
“name”: “craftmod”,
“version”: 3
“default_locale”: “en”,
“mixintos”: {
"/stonehearth/jobs/carpenter/recipes/recipes.json": “file(jobs/carpenter/recipes/recipes.json)”,
"/stonehearth/jobs/mason/recipes/recipes.json" : “file(jobs/mason/recipes/recipes.json)”,
"/stonehearth/jobs/blacksmith/recipes/recipes.json" : “file(jobs/blacksmith/recipes/recipes.json)”,
"/stonehearth/jobs/potter/recipes/recipes.json" : “file(jobs/potter/recipes/recipes.json)”,
"/stonehearth/jobs/weaver/recipes/recipes.json" : “file(jobs/weaver/recipes/recipes.json)”
“aliases”: {
“wood”: “file(entities/wood)”
“stone”: “file(entities/stone)”
“copper”: “file(entities/copper)”
“tin”: “file(entities/tin)”
“iron”: “file(entities/iron)”
“coal”: “file(entities/coal)”
“silver”: “file(entities/silver)”
“gold”: “file(entities/gold)”
“clay”: “file(entities/clay)”
“fiber”: “file(entities/fiber)”
“leather”: “file(entities/leather)”
“mixintos”: {
"/stonehearth/jobs/carpenter/carpenter_description.json" : “file(carpenter_description.json)”,
"/stonehearth/jobs/mason/mason_description.json" : “file(mason_description.json)”,
"/stonehearth/jobs/blacksmith/blacksmith_description.json" : “file(blacksmith_description.json)”,
"/stonehearth/jobs/potter/potter_description.json" : “file(potter_description.json)”,
"/stonehearth/jobs/weaver/weaver_description.json" : “file(weaver_description.json)”

[details=Description File]{
“xp_rewards”: {
“craft_level_0”: 150,
“craft_level_1”: 170,
“craft_level_2”: 190,
“craft_level_3”: 210,
“craft_level_4”: 230,
“craft_level_5”: 250,
“craft_level_6”: 270

Okay, try removing the comma on the } after your xp_rewards. And you should combine the two mixintos, so merge them together and then try!

@GreatColtini This is all the code I have.

I have a sword that is not being used by a footman but armour is?
can anyone assist on why my footman is not picking it up when it is better than the one he has equipped?

whats the ilevel of the sword set to? and whats the ilevel of the one they already have?

regardless of whether the damage is better, footmen (and combat units in general) actually equip stuff based on ilevel, so lets say the sword they currently have was Dmg 12 and ilevel 8, while yours was Dmg 16 and ilevel 4, they would prefer the weapon they already had because the ilevel was higher.

hope that helps/makes sense :slight_smile:

Yep that works like a treat thanks @8BitCrab but idk if you can solve the other open problem with the EXP that is above the sword issue?

glad to hear that :smile: :thumbsup:

i’m afraid not, it’s been a long time since i actually did any modding, and even when i was active in it i never really did anything except the very basics :disappointed_relieved:

Okay but if you do come across any new info then always give me a shout and you can check my code on github and there is a link above.

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in the manifest change:

“/stonehearth/jobs/carpenter/carpenter_description.json” : “file(carpenter_description.json)”


“/stonehearth/jobs/carpenter/carpenter_description.json” : “file(jobs/carpenter/carpenter_description.json)”

same for all the other classes, but each leading to their respective directories. That should fix it.

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Thanks but when I launch the game it is blackscreen when I changed those lines? @GreatColtini

@GreatColtini Do you know why it is black screen when I changed those lines when I boot up the game?

Is your most updated code on your github repo?

In your weaver code, you have a ‘)’ bracket in place of a ‘}’ bracket at the end, after your xp_rewards. Try fixing that.

Thanks again that worked like a treat :slight_smile: @GreatColtini

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Is it as simple of having

“roles” : { “role1”, “role2” }

for allowing multiple roles use the same item?

Anyone got any ideas for this question?
would be helpful thanks in advance.

Like this will work:
“roles”: “farmer_job cook_job”

Just add one after the other in a single string separated by a space.

um done that but did not work? @BrunoSupremo

Sorry, I didn’t tested it. I grabbed this piece of code from the frostfeast mod. They have armors for multiple classes in there.