Question about the movements

Hi guys,
i have a question about the controls of the game. Why it’s impossible to change the settings that when you reach the borders of your screen the Camera moves? I have always to use the Arrow-Keys to move left, right, up and down. Was this deliberately omitted? If so why?

You can also use the Mousewheel button to move the camera around the map.

ahh ok this is good to know. but i can’t understand why this stadart function is’n’t already implemented…

I do feel odd when i come from playing other games like Starcraft and try to move the screen via the edges

My guess whould be that it’a because the game allows for angles of the camera, so you can actually be looking at ground-level and towards the horizon, instead of just being the top-down, i suspect it may be awkward to control via the screen border if the camera is set as so, though, i do feel like that method lf control wouldn’t hurt, and probably should be some day implemented for quality of life’s sake

If a game supports it, this auto-scroll-on-edges is the first thing I deactivate. Well, everyone has his preferences :smiley:

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