Was just wondering if a purely creative / build mode is in the plans.
Where you don’t have to have hearthlings do work for you.
I know I can just use text codes to finish the building, but it’s not the same thing as being in a creative mode.
It would be great if the building editor mod had a button in the main title screen of Stonehearth, but I am not sure it is possible. @sdee, do you have any ideas about that? Basically, having a button that loads a specific “main_mod” like this command-line would: Stonehearth.exe --game.main_mod=microworld --mods.microworld.world=building_editor
Yes I have been using DebugTools for a while. The issue was going through with creation and the start of the game, as well as leveling up my Hearthlings and unlocking all of the furniture. It seems @illdred’s reply with the mod link will solve my issues.
Though, it would be nice to have an in-game function where this is possible so I don’t have to have external sources to be able to do this.