I’ve had Hearthlings spawn in places where it was impossible for them to get to the settlement. Generally on the tops of mountains or rock outcroppings
Steps to reproduce:
- Build a settlement up to population 12+
- Observe spawn locations of new Hearthlings
3)Hey! That Hearthling is on top of a mountain!
Expected Results:
I expect Hearthlings to spawn in at a location where they can reach my settlement on their own power.
Actual Results:
Usually after my population exceeds 12 I have random new Hearthlings spawn in at locations where they cannot reach the settlement and if I don’t notice this they starve and die. My 17th Hearthling is the most frequent one to have this problem.
Version Number and Mods in use:
No mods.
Stonehearth 0.14.0(release 524) x64 build
System Information: