Midnight release? @ six hours ago, so fancy!
Ill put it through the wringer after breakfast and see what pops out!
So well formulated!
Is the issue with ghost templates that cant be removed fixed? Do it fall under blowing up buildings?
Better make a new save game to test this new update out
Thank you!
A post was merged into an existing topic: Windows and doors randomly going on adventures
But my problem was not with doors or windows? hm ok…
Hey there,
First, I got to say, I love the idea of the new building system. But there are a few bugs that I noticed that actually makes it a lot worse than the old one.
For instance, first building I tried to build was a pretty standard barracks: completely made of wood, 10 mean beds, few normal lanterns and windows, and a normal wooden door. They started building the floor, stopped when there was 4 tiles left to it, and never went back to it. I had to cancel the building and start from scratch. That was while having hundreds of wood available. Instead of building, they were idle, right in front of the building. Having a tooltip when hovering a warning should give us more information I think
Second has to do with how floors and roofs are placed. In my case, in order to be able to place the floor at ground level (which was how the old system worked), I had to use slice mode, and go one step lower than the default. This meant that I could not see if there were any obstacles other than roads while placing the building. Same goes for the roof, except it was one step higher. Now, for the roof, I can see why it would need to go one step higher, but then again, being a roof, it should by default be placed higher than the current layer, just as floors should always be lower, since… you know… floor is down, roof is up…
Hi There–any chance you have a save of this? It’s hard to diagnose these building problems without being able to reproduce them. Thanks!
Not right now, no. I quickly got killed by monsters in that game, and rage-quit lol. But I will try to reproduce the issue actually. See if the same happens again, and if so try to figure out how to send a save file.
Just tried again, couldn’t reproduce even by doing the exact same thing…
It would be nice if this window would actually show what resources is still left before building is done and show nothing when house is done
So, is the Rickety Builder still going to get new updates before unstable gets it or is it obsolete now?
Obsolete. All builder updates will go to the regular unstable now.
Ah, thanks for the quick reply.
building_templates.rar (52.4 KB)
A game told me, that this building can not be builded and i must show template any developer.
I think, a troble appear because i have sofisticate roof with a lot intersection.
Off hand I’d guess you have floating roof tiles inside of the building. If so carefully removing them with the hole tool should do the trick.
Edit: Actually just appears to be some blocks underneath it near the stairs. When I saw this happen before I was able to use the layer tool on the left to go all the way down to the bottom to remove them. On mine it builds fine aside from mostly floating because of those lower blocks.
is there a way that we will get back the ability to make “diagonal” connections=?
those are extremly helpful, if not mandatory to make more “organic” buildings
the new “no connection” markers that tell your hearthlings they cant reach blocks because they would be “floating in the air” makes it really hard to build
im talking about connections like this :
you get the jist
well if you dont get it back: it only checks it during building, not after. so if you cheat and make a different building that holds up the floating parts it’l allow building. then just nuke the “mould” building afterwards.
Is there a way in the new builder to move all connected rooms at once?
(Up and down)
I move my template and it slips only a room through the area annoying!
Any chance of a ruler tool?
Dunno if it works but can you select them all with doubleclicking while holding shift?