Are you not seeing names of decorations when you mouse over? I currently can see them. What happens if you mouse over the mean bed?

edit: oops sorry for the late post, saw @Relyss already addressed it.

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I have this error on my save game not sure what it does it says ladder atleast

Not possible to delete saved templates within the UI?

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Where you found these Patterns? You already created new ones? I absolutely wanted to make some patterns for myself :smiley:

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not as far as i know, no, would like that option aswell.

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i want @Fornjotr’s floors as a pattern :stuck_out_tongue: those are too damn pretty.


Ohh yes absolutely :heart_eyes: have seen some screenshots!

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My template is floating for some reason. Is there a way to sink a template one voxel when placing it?

(from A19 builder)

Though I do know where to find the patterns in the Stonehearth.smod. I’ve just not tried making new ones myself in a while (I did try once, before I knew enough to figure out how to implement such things)

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Patterns are of much more interest to me personally than more colors. Would be great if we could get some in the slab tool.The only additional colors I’d like are terrain matching pallets. I tend to find a few colors that work well together and stick with them.

Seeing that my other building mod doesn’t necessarily need work at this time after all, I’ll replace its spot in my work queue with giving patterns another try. I’ll put up a mod development thread, so people can submit pattern suggestions of ones they’d like to see.

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Patterns would be particularly cool if you could alter the colors used in them. Then you just need a handful of patterns to give tons of variety.

They’re premade, sadly.


Yes. Hold Shift and the rotation keys (comma and period by default) to sink/unsink.

I am still having problems with the builder. I first tried to build a wall under some dirt. Behind the wall was a big tunnel I dug out.The wall was too high (it went into the dirt above) so I used blocks instead for the wall then i put two windows and a door. It had red around one of the windows but it was identical to the other window which didn’t have red. I changed my mind and built a house against the mountain instead that had a opening into the tunnel. They built most of it but not the roof. It generated a command to tunnel out a line of one voxel by 11 voxels in a line along the roof where I guess it intersected the mountain side. I say it highlighted in yellow. The hearthlings wouldn’t do anything beside short steps I randomly tried to help by highlighting alittle more for mining out and they immediately went to work. They almost finished it but got stuck in the tunnel I built stairs and they did finish the building but the experience was not so great. Three problems building it.

I don’t know how to upload my save. I have the latest unstable right before Thursday.


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Instructions for uploading savefiles:

  1. Find the save folder for the saves you wish to upload. By default, they are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth\saved_games (assuming a default Steam install).
  2. Zip the folder.
  3. Right click the folder (should be a long set of numbers).
  4. Left click on Send to in the menu that appears.
  5. Left click on `Compressed (Zipped) folder).
  6. (Optional) Rename the folder to something different than the default set of numbers.
  7. Upload the save.
  8. If the zip is less than 10 MB, you can upload it directly. Either use the upload button or drag and drop it into the compose window,
  9. If larger than 10 MB, upload it to a cloud storage site like Dropbox, Google Drive, File Dropper, etc. and post the sharing link here.

Game close without Warning.
After reload:

release-840 (x64)[M]
Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: Attempted to register a view with an id already in use: null
Error: Assertion Failed: Attempted to register a view with an id already in use: null
at r (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:4:18375)
at Object.n.assert (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:2:88)
at Object.enter (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:10:30260)
at n._transitionTo (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:11:10371)
at _ (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:5:22839)
at n.r [as _transitionTo] (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:5:21387)
at u.c.didInsertElement (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:10:15650)
at u.n [as renderTree] (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:3:24605)
at Object.ensureChildrenAreInDOM (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:10:24498)
at n._ensureChildrenAreInDOM (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:10:23932)

Huh, I could have sworn I did try that one. Thank you!

New 24.9.2 got some weird issue my workers and my brothers workers just keeps smashing / building the same block and nothing happens



release-841 (x64)[M]
stonehearth/services/server/inventory/inventory.lua:894: attempt to index field ‘_container_for’ (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
stonehearth/services/server/inventory/inventory.lua:894: in function ‘update_item_container’
stonehearth/components/storage/storage_component.lua:337: in function ‘remove_item’
stonehearth/components/storage/storage_component.lua:150: in function ‘drop_all’
stonehearth/services/server/town/town.lua:1456: in function ‘_suspend_citizen’
stonehearth/services/server/town/town.lua:1446: in function ‘_suspend_citizens’
stonehearth/services/server/town/town.lua:1402: in function ‘suspend_town’
stonehearth/services/server/town/town_service.lua:59: in function ‘suspend_town’
stonehearth/services/server/town/town_service.lua:24: in function <stonehearth/services/server/town/town_service.lua:17>

Error 2

release-841 (x64)[M]
c++ exception: lua runtime error
stack traceback:

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If you set not to help the other town, does it help to stop them?