Any ideas for some fan art I should draw( I’m pretty bad…)
He looks kind of sad
But it’s well done (you don’t know how I wish I could draw proportions so right).
I can probably make him happy
Edit: all done, nice and happy!
Edit 2: also, any thoughts on my next drawing, will add to main title
I am extremely cynical so I rather not say anything…
I have been insulting my awful drawing most of the way through the ‘introduction’
It is better my opinions stay in a buried locked, dark closet…
I’ve just realised how awful it looks…
It’s scruffy, messy, and rather childish-looking…
I’ll make some better fan art tomorrow…
Just show the Fan-Art to us! We don’t want to be kept in suspense!
I did!
Read @Newf’s responses, I’m working on one a little less atrocious…
Oh, it seems like you deleted that . . . thing you call a Dwarf.
Yeah, I’m working on a slightly better( hopefully) farmer