Musketeer Class

This game has many classes, and a good chunk are combat, and generally speaking, most of these combatant classes are from medieval times, all of them, really. So adding a Musketeer type class I feel would help complete that feeling, because not everyone was an archer or a knight, there were people on the side with their muskets :slight_smile: This could be a suggestion for a mod or to be added in the game eventually, but it’s just a though I had recently.

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Stonehearth’s “time period” isn’t really nailed down yet, it’s meant to be a mostly fantasy setting but we know we’re getting pirates (eventually) so I’d guess we’re looking at late fantasy/medieval to early Industrial as a rough setting.

With that in mind, I think that basic firearms like cannon, muskets, duelling pistols and blunderbusses would fit pretty well. They’d make sense as Engineer crafting recipes.

If it doesn’t happen as part of the base game, I definitely want to see a mod for it!


maybe class and recipes for a tier 3


@YetiChow i knew we were getting a viking-type campaign/kingdom thing at some point, but i never heard about pirates.

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“Pirates, ninjas, and politicians” was a stretch goal on the Kickstarter. I’m not sure if it’s still a serious idea, but it definitely was at one point.

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Slightly relevant but I was actually working on a Pirate/Buccaneer class, although I haven’t gotten around to finishing it yet because life :joy:

Sneak preview!