Musical Instruments Mod! "HearthTunes(?)" <--- name pending

I swear we’ve had discussion about it as well … something along the lines of a travelling band that hit the town during festivals etc.

I’ll do some more searching see if I can find it.

Edit: Seeing as I can’t find it right now, I’ll revisit my thoughts on the idea, I swear a few of us spitballed some ideas but anyway.

One example of musicians would definitely be during the festivals/ celebrations that occur in your settlement, a travelling group could come and play some beautiful tunes lifting the spirits of the entire settlement. There could be some buffs associated with it, or it could simply be a cool event that occurs.

There could also be some sort of subterfuge here, assassins disguised as musicians anyone? (Red Wedding :'().

I swear we also discussed the possibility of perhaps having an idle settler pull out an instrument and play away to themselves or to other idle settlers.

Also @SteveAdamo I stumbled upon the beginnings of a beautiful relationship, oh how naive we both were