I was second player connected. After placing my banner, another player joined (player 3) as I was leaving. Then Host destroyed my belongings and I couldn’t join the game. Host send invite and i can join, only to see that i now control the same hearthling as player 3. I’m not in the player list but I can interact and do everything with thoses hearthlings.
Then we chose the name and banner of our city and our 5 hearthlings suddently dissapears and are marked “out of town”
Steps to reproduce:
Host launch MP game
Second player join
Third player join
Second player leaves
Host Delet player 2 belongings
Host invite player 2
Player 2 joins and can play with the same hearthlings as player 3.
Wait for banner upgrade
All hearthlings are now flagged as “out of town”
Expected Results:
Player 2 Joins the games and can place another banner and start over.
Actual Results:
Player 2 Doesn’t place another banner and controls player 3 hearthlings.
Just to say, the bug was hillarous and two players controlling 5 hearthlings was really fun.
After our first game, We tried another game and I was the third one to connect. When connected, the host saw player 2 connected (there was already a player 2 in game) and i could play as player 2 with the actual player 2.
When player 2 left the game, The steam icone changed, then the name of the player changed.
(I have two screenshots of the name changing)
Player 2 disconnected (The two player controlling player 2) and Host deleted the bellongings of player 2.
I reconnected as player 3 and could place my banner as well as player 2.
I think what is seeming to happen… as soon as we destroy another player (kick them and destroy their spot in the list) if another person joins then some reason the marry
I say this, because i kicked a player from my game today and it happend after… and then the other time it happended last week, i had already done the same kicked a player fully… someone joins… and marries a hearth
ok so… These guys got married today (shared their hearth)
When @Averest tried to join it said i was full but i had one spot left… and when she could join it said vexris was connecting even though he was already connected… and when @Averest joind, she doubled with his hearth… when she left, Vexris hearthlings left
This has happened once again… we had played (on and off) for about 5-6 hours in this game… and once @YMIHere joined he becaume married to @Spell_Blade - she could not controll her hearthlings but @YMIHerecould, this persisted until he logged off… which also diconnected @Spell_Blade - but once she came back (on her own) she had control once more
You already have the previous save @ayazar - would you need this one as well?