Modding Stonehearth's Graphics Test Program

You know, that’s exactly how I felt when I started working here, after 10 years in the industry. Just try–I dare you!–to switch between C++, Lua, and JS four or five times all in one day and not make one mistake that involves a semi-colon and/or curly-brace. :slight_smile:

Why unlearn when you can apply? :wink: We’re all fans of design methodology over here.

Yes, good instincts. :slight_smile:

Yes, well said. :wink:

Basically, we compiled the code so it would be super clear that the stuff in the graphics test wasn’t final code/api yet, and so that you, looking at it in all of its obfuscated glory, would be unable to forget that it’s unofficial.

Which is to say, we’re really impressed with how far you guys have gotten into it already. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: We can’t wait to see what happens over the next few months.