Mod update = black screen

It happens sometime and i have no idea what’s the problem. Just updated the mod and when i want to start the game it shows only a black screen with background music.

So it’s impossible to saee where is the error. just added a new model to the manifest but i think this can’t be the real problem… (3.0 MB)

Had that a few times with mods does it happen consistently if you exit and try again? If so probably a missing , or {}

It happens every time i want to start the game unfortunately. Maybe i have to check te json files again… :confused:


it’s also an error but wasn’t the right one… :confused:

just added this tfolder to the mod and the result is the black screen. also the code line for the entity in the manifest (32.9 KB) (1.3 KB)

There is multiple entities with that error I showed you.

but all worked fine befor i added the new entity… so the error must be in the last files no?

ok, i doesn’t see where is the problem right now… :frowning:

Updated all description code lines but i’m sure the problem is in the new files. Can’t figure out where exactly…

The Ghost file
“mixins”: “stonehearth:mixins:placed_object”,
“components”: {
“model_variants”: {
“default”: {
“models”: [

      "mob": {
         "model_origin": { "x": -0.5, "y": 0, "z": 0.3 },
         "region_origin": { "x": 0.05, "y": 0, "z": 0.05 }

		"entity_data": {
			"stonehearth:catalog": {
				"display_name": "i18n(",
				"description": "i18n(",
				"icon": "file(fireplace_stone_large.png)",
				"category": "furniture",
				"material_tags": "stone furniture crafted crate stockpile_furniture"

The entity file
“type”: “entity”,
“mixins”: “stonehearth:mixins:placed_object”,
“components”: {
“stonehearth:entity_forms”: {
“iconic_form”: “file(shelf_herbalist_library_iconic.json)”,
“ghost_form”: “file(shelf_herbalist_library_ghost.json)”,
“placeable_on_ground”: true

      "model_variants": {
  			 "default": {
  					"models": [
  								"type": "one_of",
  								"items": [
  								"type": "one_of",
  								"items": [
  								"type": "one_of",
  								"items": [
  								"type": "one_of",
  								"items": [

      "mob": {
         "model_origin": { "x": -0.5, "y": 0, "z": 0.3 },
         "region_origin": { "x": 0.05, "y": 0, "z": 0.05 }

     "region_collision_shape": {
        "region": [
              "min": { "x": -1, "y": 0, "z": -0.6 },
              "max": { "x": 3, "y": 5, "z": 1 }
      "stonehearth:lamp": {
         "light_effect": "stonehearth:effects:brazier_effect",
         "light_origin": { "x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 0 }

   "entity_data": {

     "stonehearth:catalog": {
       "display_name": "i18n(",
       "description": "i18n(",
       "icon": "file(fireplace_stone_large.png)",
       "category": "furniture",
       "material_tags": "stone furniture crafted crate stockpile_furniture"

      "stonehearth:net_worth": {
         "value_in_gold": 14,
         "rarity": "common",
         "shop_info": {
            "buyable": false,
            "sellable": true,
            "shopkeeper_level": 1,
            "shopkeeper_type": "caravan"

I have a model with more variations on it so the ghost code is also in the model json.

I have not really checked in too much into your issue, @pingu, but you are calling
on various placed in your files.

does not exist within your locales I think.

Not sure this would make your game start with a black screen - but worth a check I guess :slight_smile:

Hey Hamnisu,
yes i tried it more times this way but always worked fine. After placing zlthe model correctly and adding the recipe to the crafter i added also the description. I have to try if this is the problem.

The jsonlint says that the files are all correct so other problems like missing “)” or “,” can’t be the problem

I have narrowed the issue down to your furniture somewhere will keep looking and come back to you

something is wrong in the “furniture:mason_fireplace_stone_large” : “file(entities/furniture/fireplace_stone_large)”

your missing a “icon”: “file(fireplace_stone_large.png)” as in you don’t have a file called fireplace_stone_large.png. but that doesn’t fix it

also missing descriptions in your locales but one again doesn’t fix it :frowning:


your fireplace_stone_large.json need to following changing at the start

“type”: “entity”,
“mixins”: “stonehearth:mixins:placed_object”,
“components”: {
“stonehearth:entity_forms”: {
“iconic_form”: “file(shelf_herbalist_library_iconic.json)”,
“ghost_form”: “file(shelf_herbalist_library_ghost.json)”,
“placeable_on_ground”: true

see below

“type”: “entity”,
“mixins”: “file(fireplace_stone_large_iconic.json)”,
“components”: {
“stonehearth:entity_forms”: {
“iconic_form”: “file(fireplace_stone_large_iconic.json)”,
“ghost_form”: “file(fireplace_stone_large_ghost.json)”,
“placeable_on_ground”: true

let me know if it works for you?


I see.
When inspecting the log-file after starting Stonehearth with your mod, I can see that it states there is some missing .json file(s).

Good catch, @Thomas_Rippon!
I think changing only the “iconic_form” and the “ghost_form” calls will be enough - the “mixins” is already correct :slight_smile:

@pingu, I think the lines by Thomas will correct the “missing json-files error” stated in the log-file.

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Exactly @Thomas_Rippon, that can be the problrm. The mixins must be always the stonehearth one but the reference to the other files is wrong. Have to change it and try it again.

Stupid bug as always…

@pingu I beg to differ if you take a look at the rayyas_children\entities\decoration\exotic_trade_monument\exotic_trade_monument.json
for example it doesn’t reference the Stonehearth in the main json its references is the ghost and iconics.

I’m no expert by far maybe the guys from Radiant can give some more guidance on the correct usage? (not sure how to flag this post to them!)

This fireplace has so many errors.
First, it has json errors. Running it at json lint pointed it out.
Second, you are calling a ghost and iconic that does not exist, you are calling something about a herbalist shelf instead.

Can’t you just backtrack to solve this issues?
And the code is all out of indentation. What are you using to format it? Try the auto-indentation feature of your software. It makes things way easier to see who goes inside who just by looking at how far from the margin it is.

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Yes i’ve seen the bugs. Was my mistake… again. But now everything works fine. i don’t know why the code is showing in this way on discourse but i have it a lot different in Atom. Now everything works. i have to add the descriptions but the rest works fine.

thx for the great help