Missing activity descriptors

I’ve noticed this a lot. There are lots of times that Hearthlings are doing something, but it says idle. Some examples:

  • A crafter taking an item to his/her station.
  • A Hearthling getting food, and walking to the eating location.
  • A Hearthling walking towards an item to be moved or taken down (and, I think, while moving, I need to test that).

There are others, too, I can make a more comprehensive list. But the most obvious one is the one the OP mentioned - crafters when bringing things to their stations.

[quote=“Kolom, post:3, topic:13179, full:false”]
Thanks! I was just surprised that no one had noticed that yet!
[/quote] I had, I just hadn’t remembered to put it into a bug report yet. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

I just move it to the very, very bottom of my screen. Closing it works (until a new error comes), but having it at the bottom, it’s out of the way even if a new error pops up. However, with release 393, I know that error reporting windows have changed slightly, and I haven’t had a chance to play since that release.

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