Males with outfits losing their heads! (all affected, mostly footmen)

So I just got the game today and I noticed a fun little bug. It isn’t game-breaking but a little weird to watch. I noticed sometimes when my Hearthlings do something (i.e. Accept their new job, fall asleep on the floor while farming) their bodies glitch out and it is rather creepy looking. I can fix it by reloading but I felt like I should report it.

I would upload images but the forum wont let me since I am a new member… Skilled bug reporting.
Image #1

Image #2

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Firstly welcome!

this glitch has already been reported here!:

Thanks for the report though! someone will probably merge this!

i love being an admin :smile:


Yet you didn’t merge it… :stuck_out_tongue:

ahem, i beg to differ

Oops, you were right. /me is properly chagrined. :grimacing:

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hmmm i just downloaded stonehearth to my new computer and i changed 1 hearthling into a carpenter

the carpenter then switches completely at random between walking normally like a human and walking like a critter in 1-3 second intervals making it look like there head is stuck at there feet, at night time it got even weirder as the carpenter was walking around sleeping and then if i paused the game i could alternate which animations he was using depending on how far away i looked at him (between sleeping ,normal and critter)

all my other hearthlings were fine this is really weird
Ezra Edessa just had a little too much jerky

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This happens to me, except I came to report that besides their head going into their body, they don’t move either! My little farmer is about to starve next to the camp fire. Calling them to defense worked before, but now even that fails. Please help! I don’t want to lose another little friend! (Even thought he has bad stats… But don’t tell him I said that!)

Link to image of bug

I’m Henry The Eighth, I am!
Henry The Eighth I am, I am!
I lost my head to the widow next door
She’s been married seven times before

Sorry, couldn’t resit (changed part of the lyrics to reflect :P)

no bug like this for me though

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i also have a blacksmith who loses his head every 2 minutes or so and that stays like that for 10 seconds or so. how do i fix it excactly?

hello @DutchDudeGaming welcome to the discourse,

im afraid that currently there isnt a way to fix this.

darn, well then, i guess i’ll have to wait till next patch, cool game nonetheless

He just doesn’t have a good head on his shoulders. This started almost at the very beginning of the game. I don’t think I have a save for this sadly. Laptop running Win 7 x64.


Longer gif detailing two periods of time and his little ghostly arms

I’d add a link to a screenshot too but I’m too new!

Edit: alpha_10_5-3 x64


That is one of the best bugs I have seen so far.


He seems a little confused, that’s for sure


Laziest hearthling ever. Even when he’s working he’s having a rest.

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it is a secret technique for growing carrots sideways so they lay on top of the ground and are easier to pick. Also, we have a bridge to sell you before we start building it.

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It’s almost like Villagers losing their heads but not quite.

I’d say it’s the same, given the second part of the gif, so I merged. Anyway, it’s like two bugs in one:

  • Hearthling plays animations from other hearthlings
  • Hearthling loses the head and / or shows ghostly body parts