Looking for tutorials

Hey there, I’m really looking forward to mod SH, but I’m a newbie and there doesn’t seem to be a collection of tutorials around. It would be really nice if we had a pinned topic in the direction of “How to begin modding” with some links to tutorials for adding items, enemies, changing villagers, etc. Maybe we could even have someone from Radiant to just record parts of their work with some explanations made into a small weekly series or something like that? I know there is the developer stream, but I don’t think they can really be seen as a tutorial for newbies, as looking through what they are actually doing is rather hard.

the easiest way to start is, to take a mod, and look how its work.
that works good for adding/change items mod.
On the Stonehearth Wiki, you found an explination for the basic
functions like overriding and mixintons.

that should you help to start :slightly_smiling:


Depending on what kind of mod you’re making, you could look around the game files, figure out how everything fits together. For example, if you’re making a race mod, the Rayyas Children .smod files would give plenty information.

EDIT: Ninja’d


You can always check the streams Stephanie did a while back:


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Thank you. It only directs me to their twitch channel though. Did you mean these videos I found on youtube? Those are quite basic, but a very nice start for beginners and pretty much what I was looking for. If you know of anything similiar, I will take anything. :slightly_smiling:


Pretty much looking for any info on expending the game. Animating models, including items in the game (which I figured now is pretty easy) and “advanced” modding like programming own ai/features. I didn’t know about the whole mod structure of stonehearth when I wrote the post, so looking in the Rayyas Children files was quite interesting. I was just kind of looking for an entry post for tutorials and since it seems there’s nothing like that, I may search through the forums and make a list myself. Just a collection of links to tutorials for beginners to see what is actually available.

oh yea, i saw that the other day and forgot to edit it for @Relyss, but now you should be able to copy those links into the address bar


We have some list of links on the Discourse, but those tutorials might be outdated :sweat:

Yep, on Youtube you can find some of the streams from Twitch. Thanks, @8BitCrab, I couldn’t figure out a way to make the links copyable. :sweat:


no worry’s. as nice as the discourses auto-embedding feature is, it can sometimes be really annoying :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ta-da! (just needs a space in front of the link). If Discourse sees a link (no matter what formatting you surround it with) at the start of a line, it will one-box.