Lakeside village, from concept to reality!

will you be releasing this mod to the public when its finished?

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The shadows are beautiful. I can spend some time in this village for vacation :wink:


I guess it’s not a mod in the classic sense because for now all are just decorations. A real mod would have been real floating boats!
Anyway, yes, once in good shape, I’ll share the save (despite a few errors at start up) + the “mods” necessary to the scenery.


I almost forget about this one:

It’s so shiny! :open_mouth:

I guess more than 50 gold ingots have been necessary to melt it!
But this is an antic treasure and the only valuable thing this peaceful community own. But will it be enough to attract goblin raiders? Or even worst?? :scream:


im really jealous that u can build something like that without an error popping out… cause for me i tried building a 2 story house with a terrace on its side and then BOOOM errors… fakking useless errors. i have alot of things in my mind to make it in a reality but no, this game has given me the biggest depression ever… haiz… even my farmers are stupid… i cant believe a farmer would go 1 screen away just to pick up a log and drop it instantly and run back to the farm spot and start farming again then go runaway again to do the same stupid thing… im so frustrated

how did you make it?

@nimrod_adenir, the game is in early stage so all the problems you get are “normal”. At this stage, the game is not ok to play, to test yes, to play no. So the best you can do is testing thing to understand what’s going on, what’s hearthlings can and cannot do.
Once you have done this “homework”, you will be free to “play the game” or not, what I mean is: or you continue building at minima with what the state of the game has to offer (plenty of errors :astonished: ) or you bypass the limitations (with insta mine or insta build for example). But bypassing the limitation is futile, you won’t do useful feedback. What is interesting is to create some situations where interesting feedback could pop. That’s a bit what I’m trying to do… (along with learning how to mod and trying to build a cool city :wink:)


Oups scaling problem perhaps? :sweat:


Hmmmm… we can scale up via the.json but what about scaling down? A negative value do scale down the model but it will inverse all normals too and the item cannot be dropped in the world anymore… Is there a trick I’m missing?

Dunno how you’re scaling, but it can very easily become tiny without using negative values. The scale value is a floating point type; so you can use a very small number, such as 0.001 (very tiny!). Most entities are scaled to 0.1.


Hey Tx @Drotten! Indeed, simple as hell…

Today, could not work on it that much… irl stuff to do… Anyway, the fishes are ok now!


the first school in stonehearth.


I have the idea to drop a crate into a boat. Actually my boat’s .json is minimal so no collision shape defined. Anyway I’m wondering if it’s possible to create a complex collision shape… In general objects are surrounded by their collision shape but here my boat’s physical shape is hollowed so I would need a similar collision shape. Any idea if this is doable?

Fun, for the first time I’ve enabled the debug keys and the result is quite surprising; we can see the disaster caused by the creation of the lake… Not so nice… :dizzy_face:


well the beds headboards stick up past the main bed part, so perhaps you could do the same thing with having a base, and then adding the sides on.

does that make sense? would it work?

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Oh yes I completely forget about the beds! Tx I will dissect the files see how they do it…

Edit, could not wait… you just have to define several regions inside the collision shape. Fantastic!


Ok, origin reference and region definition are a nightmare. Will need some time to figure out how this work… :expressionless:

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i would like to learn how to mod too, but got no programs and basic know-how… whats the software did you use to make a draft of your town… maybe ill try using it then building it on the actual game when it becomes stable… thanks

I’m really not a reference for modding because I’m actually learning (with the collision shapes) that modding can be nightmarish… Even for softwares, I still don’t have a correct workflow to do what other people are able to do. Anyway, I’m using MagicaVoxel, a free tool (just google it) but it’s not the ideal because it don’t have multi matrixes support (needed for animation). So you may have a look and do simple models but you should do more research on the forum for some more solid feedback.

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i wish they have a separate discussion for helping players to learn how to mod… just like on dont starve klei entertainment forum, theres a post where all the basics needed programs and software you need to start modding by yourself are posted and some brief tutorial on how-to…

you should check out the moding category here on the discourse, some people have posted super helpful tutorials for beginners, you just have to look for them.