Cool, I really like this studio. I played the Penny Arcade games and bought the other two, but never played em for more than a few minutes. Still, very “well received” on my end. Great to see several studios building on success and talent these days.
Everything comes down to polotics, they get into everything, like rotches or bronies. Anyways, I hate the electoral collage, why do we have them anymore? we have the internet now, go to a local library and we can vote directly…
The electoral college is just a way to try to get everyone as a whole to have equal representation, although that’s not always the case… Even if there is a 49% - 51% margin, the 51% gets 100% of the votes (except for Nebraska).
Anyway, now that the politicalitismismism is out, let’s continue on with some discussion.
im somewhat conflicted with the art styles on display here… the game itself looks brilliant, but some of the other art doesnt really work for me (suppose i really shouldnt care, to be honest)… anyone else see the disparity?
I agree Steve, some of the art doesn’t work for me at all, but I like their track record and I backed them. Sci-fi RPGs really intrigue me and I love the scope of the world, it’s practically limitless. I can only hope my KS campaign goes as smoothly >_>
It looks like it could be good, I’ll have to read through their posts about it though because I’ve played cstw and bod7 and read through most of the ks page and they’re all kind of same-y gameplay wise. My attention span at games means that it will need either some very good mechanics or plot to keep me interested then so I think I’ll be waiting a bit.
Thanks for asking! I have yet to launch the campaign, I’m still trying to build awareness and put the finishing touches and details to it. You can see a teaser trailer here: You Are Not The Hero
The trailer is amusing. I’d need to actually know something about the game though outside of the title and what your facebook cover photo shows before I could form an opinion though.
@Xavion The following trailer has gameplay from the game~ The first half is a melow, more puzzle, platforming elements while the second half shows more action, fast gameplay. The video is a WIP for what I’ll be showing on the project.