Summary: South Facing Wooden Tunnel Door allows enemies to walk right through
Steps to reproduce:
Place 4 tunnel doors, each facing a different direction
Wait for enemies to come Trick or Treating
Enemies walk right through South Facing Door without even saying “Trick or treat!” How rude!
Expected Results: Tunnel Doors should stop enemies from walking right through
Actual Results: Enemies who, by the way are NOT wearing Halloween costumes invite themselves in.
Notes: Yes I posted this bug ages ago, but it’s arisen from the grave yet again. Note the small rock golems inside. Door faces South. Special thanks to Yinhe806(CHN) for catching this on the Steam forums.
Can confirm! Very odd that it only impact the door in one direction…I was going to ask why this was happening when there is an autotest for doors - but I guess the autotest doesn’t check all directions. Thanks @Averest. @yshan, save below if needed.
I wonder how many other objects are suffering from the hitbox problem. Perhaps in the next bug fixing push, since so much new content has been added, someone should go through and check all the hitboxes to make sure they’re where they’re supposed to be.
How do I spawn an enemy, to test if they still go through the door to attack the hearthlings? Just plopping them through the debug makes them part of my town.
Edit: Tested in the jomaxro save and it block the enemies.
To spawn enemies, try with the arena world that @Froggy provided:
Not sure that it still works, since I remember having issues were it would only spawn one team, but…
You can use console in the worst case to spawn the other team. Or maybe I had this issue on the upgraded version which reads the data from a json file, not sure where did I get it from
In short, you have to retrieve the population of your enemy faction, and use create citizen with it.
If this microworld doesn’t work for you, try doing that.
I was having a hard time trying to reproduce this until I realized that both of you were using slabs instead of walls.
I made a square with walls and 2 doors on each direction (one facing inwards and the other one outwards) but couldn’t reproduce the issue. But I observed your slabs buildings and I could finally get it to repro. You’re placing the doors manually, right? Like any other furniture.
Thanks @Averest for reporting this after the Steam user, and thanks @BrunoSupremo for the fix suggestions.