It's almost upon us! Hearthoween!

Even a clean up/fixing of any modding naming and what not would be enough for most I believe. :smile:

2018 could be a lot more organized… :thinking:

Makes sense. Glad to hear that things are falling into place for you, even though it means less time to play and mod. I know the feeling.

I did kinda figure that unless you were already in the process of updating it probably wouldn’t happen, but thanks for throwing open permission for others to give it a go!

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Well, aside from some very interesting effects when used with LoMH…





It seems to actually still work with the latest version


I might give a try at changing some of the features for a new version, but for now, if anyone would like the original, I uploaded my copy: Hearthoween 2016 download


Currently working on a “hair friendly” version, which will mostly be trimming masks, hats, hoods, etc. Will post that one once I have the update done.

Should I post it here as well, or make a new thread with both versions?


I think a new updated thread with a linkback here would be appropriate once you make significant changes. Perhaps call it Hearthoween II: The Hearthening. :ghost:

I think it’s great that you’re redoing this. I never tried any mods except Frostfeast and Candledark in the older versions of the game so this will be a treat. :candy:

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I am still incredibly sad to not see any signs of Candledark for 2017.
It’s one of my favourites to date.


I’m not sure what to do about beards poking through…

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Shouldn’t there be an argument/line in the item’s entry to define whether things like hair and beards are rendered when the item is worn? I’d say check the knight’s helment for an example, hearthlings with beards don’t show them when they’re wearing that helmet.

This part?

  "stonehearth:equipment_piece": {
     "render_type": "merge_with_model",
     "slot": "helmet",
     "ilevel": 4,
     "roles": "knight_job",
     "no_drop": true

I did a quick search to try and dig up where I remembered reading about how it works, this is the info I found:

Given how old that thread is I don’t know if that line about layering still exists in the game, but what I remembered was a discussion about how the top layer would render over everything else. It may have been comments on a stream though, come to think of it, so unfortunately I can’t point to a clear-cut answer.

I guess the best thing at this stage is to page one of the dev team who can explain the system better?

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