It's almost upon us! Hearthoween!

I’ve been stalking this post since I got an email this morning…

Honestly? I don’t think so. I haven’t had much free time to do much in terms of gaming. Not nearly enough to re-do Hearthoween in 12 days.

I’ve recently gotten a puppy at the beginning of this summer and involved in a rather serious relationship. The combination of these two things plus the new job I started back in January basically has consumed my life.

Good news, although Hearthoween doesn’t look like it’ll be getting an anniversary, at least not from me, I have deeply considered a Christmas mod! Christmas is about 2 months out, and I’d have plenty of time to complete this. I have been messing around with a biome mod for about 4 months now but nothing I want to share yet.

If anyone, including @Kittyodoom, wants to take the time to improve, update, or re-do Hearthoween you have my full 100% support. Perhaps 2018 Hearthoween will be on my bucket list… maybe starting in July. :sweat_smile:

EDIT: In regards to do I have this mod, I sadly do not. And it appears to have been cleaned from my google drive… I can try to do some digging but the computer/hard drive it was created on is no longer with us.