Item not in placeable menu

So I’m just starting out and trying to make my first mod, downloaded the startermod that I figure is quite outdated. After creating the piggy bank I notice that when you push P it doesn’t show up in the menu. I can manually click on the item and click place item, but anyone know what’s missing that doesn’t make it appear in the menu? Also anyone have a non outdated guide that I can read/watch. Most stuff seems to be almost a year old.

Main json file:


“type”: “entity”,
“mixins” : “file(piggy_bank_ghost.json)”,
“components” : {
“stonehearth:entity_forms” : {
“iconic_form” : “file(piggy_bank_iconic.json)”,
“ghost_form” : “file(piggy_bank_ghost.json)”,
“placeable_on_ground” : true
“region_collision_shape” : {
“region”: [
“min” : { “x” : 0, “y” : 0, “z” : 0 },
“max” : { “x” : 1, “y” : 0.4, “z” : 1 }
“entity_data” : {
“stonehearth:net_worth” : {
“value_in_gold” : 10,
“rarity” : “common”,
“shop_info” : {
“buyable” : false,
“sellable” : true,
“shopkeeper_level” : 1,
“shopkeeper_type” : “caravan”