I got a engine crash

while i was playing my game started to freeze but not fps drops
Steps to reproduce:

  1. it started around deepmun 14
  2. i dont know what could do that

Expected Results:

Actual Results:

the game stopped responding

i fot this report
release-790 (x64)
…ervices/server/game_master/controllers/encounter.lua:131: attempt to index field ‘script’ (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
…ervices/server/game_master/controllers/encounter.lua:131: in function ‘stop’
…arth/services/server/game_master/controllers/arc.lua:399: in function ‘_stop_encounter’
…arth/services/server/game_master/controllers/arc.lua:247: in function ‘trigger_next_encounter’
…ame_master/controllers/encounters/shop_encounter.lua:52: in function <…ame_master/controllers/encounters/shop_encounter.lua:49>

release-790 (x64)
c++ exception: lua runtime error
stack traceback:


Version Number and Mods in use:

release-790 no mod added

System Information:

windows 10
intel i7 4790 3,60 ghz
8 gb ram
nvidia geforce 1050 ti 4gb