Hearthlings don't resume crafting if they started (green item icon) and then ingredient becomes unavailable

Just a little bump, I am still getting this issue from time to time. Not sure if it is the same cause but the same thing happens where crafters get stuck on a certain item in the cue. This seems to happen when for some reason the required items for them to craft with gets used up elsewhere(?)

Every time they get stuck on a craft that I’ve not got the materials for but instead of giving up on it they just ignore any other work orders until that ingredient becomes abundant again. Which annoyingly enough is a material they need to make in the first place so production comes to a complete halt. I’ve had this happen even with 3 crafters working in the same pool though more crafters does tend to make it less likely as one of them has a chance to make it to the lower tier ingredient without getting stuck.

While the best workaround right now is having multiples of certain important items in queue it is still a pain when my queue’s are nearly capped out. Easily reproducible with one weaver and a full crafting queue of 20 of each item, they are the most likely to get stuck for me as their refined items are the most sought after.