Goblin camps forming in same location, entities stacking

Goblin wolfs stack

I am about 10 hours into a game and all the monsters seem to spawn in the same place. Diversity has greatly decreased.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have a game run 10 hours
  2. Watch goblin wolfs stack.

Expected Results:
Wolfs won’t stack

Actual Results:
Wolfs stack

I think this may be 2 bugs. As wolfs spawn onto of a goblin camp fire. They are then stuck in the air and do nothing.
My warrior actually doesn’t even acknowledge their existence.


Versions and Mods:
Release 472

System Information:

Weird. Do you still have the save for this?

Still have the save for this game.
I cannot tell you how frequently they spawn. But I have the stack of wolfs like I have shown there.
I found one way to let them free was to destroy the fire pit they are on.

@leetcat, if you have a save, especially one where there is a wolf stuck over a fire, please do upload it here for the devs to review.

Here is the save.

Paging @sdee and @Albert, do you have all the information you need here?

This should already be fixed for the next release.