An alternative to what exactly? Not trying to start a witch hunt or any such nonsense…but your account was 20min old when you posted that. Having an alternative implies it replacing something (in this case your membership here), which it really doesn’t seem to be doing.
Alternative meaning other options, not a replacement. I actually found this site here ( through that site there (, because the staff there posted it for a review on (
Having an alternative options is not a bad thing. I do not see a Live Streaming or Chat room option here. And there is no rule saying I can’t be part of both or more communities, is there?
Oh certainly not! Don’t misunderstand, you are more than welcome here . I was just a little confused by you suggesting a site to be used as an alternative…to something you don’t use. That along side with us having had some fake accounts pop up in the past to post similarly supporting statements, made me a little weary of your comment.
But you are right, there are always benefits to alternative options, especially when they are done well (as this one seems to be, I haven’t visited yet, but everyone that has speaks well of it.)
I understand your point of view. Noob comes out of no where and suddenly says, another site is good. I’d be a little thrown off too.
The other site is using a forum software known as XenForo. It’s made by the original developers who made the first 3 version of vBulletin forum software. It’s the same thing I use for my community (, but we’re not a gaming site.
Anyways, they posted it for review and I learned about this site through their site. And now I’m kind of interested in this game. I’m hoping they release a Linux version (Ubuntu / Debian) along side their normal Windows version. Made a suggestion about it (my 1st post here). — Linux is your friend
Hey guys!
We’re giving away a FREE copy of Stonehearth! Yup, that’s right! All you have to do is register on Stonehearth Cave and contribute 1 post! The giveaway will last up until October 5, 2013. Limit 1 entry per person. This does not include access to the beta. We will perform the drawing on October 6, 2013 and notify the winner via the supplied email.
The entry form can be found by clicking the “Game Giveaway” button on the forum sidebar or by clicking [HERE]. Good luck!
I think people are confusing this new site as “just another forum”?
I dunno, but to me it looks clean, sleek, and not only is there a forum, but also a spot for a (future) mod database and streams.
Looks legit. I likes.
clever marketing effort…
i wager most folks here already have one squared away, but will happily donate it to a friend…
Absolutely! If you win it and already have your copy pre-ordered you can give it to a friend, sibling, or whoever! We’ll have more in the future with some that include access to the beta. So look out for those.
I like it very much, but, there are already like 3+ forums for Stonehearth.
joined it! just love the standard forums style i just feel at home with it
I think a modlist outside of the game is a good idea. No-one knows the ingame modlist will be the best to search for new or old mods. I know examples where fanmade lists are better than the official ones. You can occasionally search mods while not having acces to the game or unable to load. Plus it works with google . So I wish you best of luck with the website.
@Apostrofee / @mhawley anything happened to your community-page? Just tried to pass by and it seems like the page is no longer available .
i received a network error on my end… wasnt a 404, but usually does mean the name cant be located… hmm…