No, by event log I meant [this][1]. The stonehearth.log file would be useful too, but as you didn’t get to enter the game, I don’t think it will have anything written in it (check it just in case, it’s a text file after all).
Concerning user_settings file, I’m not sure if it has only the user id at the beginning, but it usually has more things inside it, such as:
"user_id" : "f2311246-2d5b-41b3-a1d3-01032ec8207f",
"collect_analytics" : true,
"renderer" : {
"enable_ssao" : false,
"enable_shadows" : false,
"msaa_samples" : 0,
"shadow_resolution" : 256,
"enable_vsync" : true,
"enable_fullscreen" : false,
"screen_width" : 1174,
"screen_height" : 640,
"draw_distance" : 1000,
"last_window_x" : 87,
"last_window_y" : 65,
"use_fast_hilite" : false,
"last_screen_x" : 103,
"last_screen_y" : 121
"hide_help" : {
"camera" : {
"pan" : true,
"orbit" : true,
"zoom" : true
"audio" : {
"bgm_volume" : 0.6,
"efx_volume" : 0.6
"alpha_welcome" : {
"hide" : true
"tutorial" : {
"hideStartingTutorial" : true
although perhaps they are added once you play the game and adjust the different settings. The renderer part is pretty much the same as in the stonehearth.json file.
If you get to see the game window, we could have a chance to track the crash. You can post here or by PM to the devs your “user_id” and they can check in the crash reporter log if it has been registered. It’s difficult to fix this crash if we can’t understand where it comes from.
I’m reaching my limit of knowledge…
[1]: Welcome to the Bug Report Category!