Come on ya’ll, let’s take it down a notch. Stonehearth isn’t, and has never been, about realism. I appreciate the effort, but this is supposed to be a constructive thread that will encourage the developers to make changes, and when the ideas get too far off topic it stops being something we would want them to actually take into consideration.
@Reedo, hijacking my combat threads is getting a little tiresome. If you want to rail for different combat changes, you’re welcome to make a new thread instead.
Stonehearth isn’t about medivial knights. I’m talking about game mechanics and in every game out there, the tank is the one who engages and takes the aggro/hits. I dont know why Stonehearth should change anything about the formula. In this game, you are not supposed to lose soldiers, since you can’t afford it, at least not in the early game. So we need mechanics that keeps our soldiers alive, or at least make it easier to do so. And the First Responder ability makes it harder and feels just wrong with the current combat update and its introduction of hardmode.
Ahm, I never said Stonehaert should be like the actual medieval era. I just responeded to your previous post, where you suggested just that: “In a real fight, you would let the good armored soldiers (tanks) be the first ones in battle, so your footmen should stay behind the knights.” I was merely correcting that this was not exactly true.
Hi, I would like to propose that there is something not quite right with the Footmans speed perks. In my current A16 game I just lost 3 lvl6 footmen because they ran far ahead of the group into a new spawn of orcs and ogres while on the way to kill off some wolves. Since it was an easy fight I was busy someone else and not paying attention (my fault) and was surprised when the death popups appeared.
It seems that the speed perks allow the footmen to completely out distance the knights and clerics; dashing into combat and getting picked off.
I would suggest either allowing the knights to keep their speed perks after transitioning so they can keep the agro off the others, or changing the speed perk into something else now that the knights, clerics and archers have been added so they can arrive more together.
Was already discussed in another thread. The suggestions are to remove the speed buff entirely or give the knights the speed buff and footman something else (would make sense, since knights are the tanks and should engage fights).
Excellent, glad to hear I am not the only one thinking this. Tried searching for that other thread but couldn’t find it; if you have the link please post it, I would like to read the discussion.
As a side note though, I think the knight should also have a rework to their perks. Having class only armour and then having class buffs to that armour makes no sense. Would be better to just buff the armour to include the perk buffs and then give the knights more combat orientated perks.
I do exactly the same. And since I’m doing it, I have much less trouble with hard mode, even in end game. Knights are just much better tanks and archers are much better damage dealers, especially against big armored units.
Hey there, I’m the OP of the old thread surrounding the ask for the ability change, it’s nice to see people are still interested in seeing this get updated.
Although it really isn’t a solution, my fix for now is just to not have any footmen; my napkin math says that if they’re both fully upgraded, the archer does more damage, plus I don’t have to worry about constantly trying to micromanage them and avoid this issue with First Responder. Thanks again, and good luck!
Hey there. I think footman will still need the current, speed boosting, original “First Responder”. As they are the only available combat units in early game, when many citizens go far away to gather resources. At that time, those fotman just need a way to reach them while their remote mines or berry bush get raided, and FR did that job neatly. What we players really need is a way to have control over this skill, so footman don’t charge without others in large scale battle.
My idea is to control this skill through town alert mode. Footman will be at normal speed if nothing happens, but if the town alarm is set off, they become FR, and leap in to save whomever need to reach a safe spot in time. As a player who have been playing it since A12, I found my usage of Town alert drops as my town develops, so I think town alert will be a good indicator of “early game+ danger”. As time passes and city develops, I get a more well rounded team, and will be able to strike more predicatively. So I won’t ring alarms, and footman can just let their FR remain dormant, and march to that Orc camp along with their teammates.