Footman called worker

Title: Footman labeled as worker

Summary: I hired a footman and he is called a worker.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Hire a footman, I think from a world you’ve saved and loaded a bunch of times.

Expected Results: Footman is labeled footman

Actual Results: Footman is labeled worker

Notes: none


(Look at bottom left)

Version Number and Mods in use: no mods, a14 unstable

System Information: i use a computer


thanks for the report @FerretBandit, funny enough @sdee ran into this same bug on thursdays stream, so TR are well aware of it.


i noticed at points my footmen will randomly start working as workers, like they’ll put there swords away becoming all confident like, take a break from fighting, help other hearthlings then get bored and decide to go back to being a footman. Glad TR are aware of it, although its nothing bad. :stuck_out_tongue:


That is not a bug, that’s the therapist UI. If you have no stockpiles and the UI says footmen can do it, they will instead of being idle.

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I may be looking at this wrong, But footman can’t do that type of stuff, At least to me it doesn’t look like they can :stuck_out_tongue:

On your footman why are you not able to check ‘job?’

Not sure, I’ve never been able to, I thought it was normal, can you check and un-check that? xD

@Stoneheartfan you are correct, it is normal that you can’t check/uncheck the “job” part for a footmen.


Thank you haha, Thought something was going weirdly with my game for a second, :wink:

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Hey I never noticed this before.
I am making footmen have patrolling as their job. In next unstable release, footmen will have a “job” checkbox. They’ll stop patrolling if you uncheck “job”


makes sense to me! until @Stoneheartfan pointed it out i actually thought this was already the case.

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@yshan, will footman having a job fix the originally reported error (footman having worker appear in the unit frame)?

No. The two issues are orthogonal. Sorry for hijacking the thread.


You’re one of the devs, you never hijack threads! If you want to change the topic, you just steer them in the direction you want :wink:!

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The footman called worker bug is now resolved on my machine. Thanks for the report!