Feedback Request: About the goblin campaign

I’ve troubleshooted the issue enough that I could reproduce it and created [a bug report] 1 about it. It’s amazing how easy it is to think “everybody must see this” when I’m doing something quite specific to my play style that causes me to hit this issue every time.

On the other hand, since I figured out a workaround for the bug, I’ve also found the wolves… And the obvious solutions I see is free them (kill all goblins and destroy pens) and run (I guess by selecting a defensive position away from my village). I guess some other option, such as having your trapper tame them back, could exist, but it’s not clear from the messages. If such a “third way” exists then I suggest a popup suggesting the solution if you meed the conditions for it.

I’ve also found a bug with the wolves where the wolves fight (and kills) the footmen after they destroy the cage, but I have no clue how to reproduce it. Other than that the camp spawned very close to the town, close enough that normal footmen patrol routes found the camp. I can see if I manage to reproduce it tomorrow, and if so I’ll open a bug report thread about it.